Other variations of the new Clover logo:

Some new logo branding applications:

The new 'shield' logo application on Clover's new milk packaging:

A few of the 'endorsement' logo applications on the rest of the Clover product range:

We've been very fortunate to be part of a team, working on the new updated logo and identity for Clover over the last year and a half. The final logo has quite a few formats to be able to work effectively on the various stationery, branding, signage, advertising and all other applications across Clover's huge corporate spectrum. We also designed their full corporate identity & brand guidelines - the process also included applying the Clover 'shield logo' to all the milk packs, as well as applying the 'endorsement' logo to the full range of other Clover products. Keep an eye out for the new blue Clover strip being rolled out on the top of all the Clover packaging!